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I hope vs. I wish


  희망하다. 바라다(무엇을?)

 - Something that's possible (가능한 것)

 - Something that's likely (일어날 법 한 것)

 - Something that you look forward to (고대하고 있는 것)



  희망하다. 바라다(무엇을?)

 - Something that's impossible(불가능한것)

 - Something that's unreal(비현실적인것)

Something you want Now (지금 원하는 것)


I hope + 현재(진행)

- I hope she knows the answer.

  나는 그녀가 그 답을 알고 있을거라고 희망한다.(의미:답을 알 가능성이 크다. 답을 알 법 하다.)

- I hope he is working hard now.

- I hope he has a brother.

- I hope she is tall.

I wish + 과거(진행) (had,could,were,knew, wokred, etc.)

- I wish she knew the answer. (의미:현재 답을 모르는 상태이며 알았으면 하는 희망사항)

 = she doesn't know the answer.

- I wish he ere working hard now.

- I wish I had a brother.

- I wish I were taller.

Something you want in in the Future (미래에 원하는것)

I hope + 현재 or 미래 시제 

- I hope it will stop raing

- I hope it stops raining.

- I hope we have more time.

I wish + would 동.원

- I wish it would stop raining.

  = but it probably won't stop raining.

- I wish it wouldn't be canceled.

  = but it will be cancled.

- I wish we would have more time.

  = but I know we won't

Something about the Past (과거에 관한것) - 과거에 이미 일어난일에 대해서

I hope + 과거시제

- I hope you heard the news.

- I hope he left home on time.

- They hope he called her.

I wish + 과거완료시제 (후회,안타까운 과거)

- I wish I had heard the news earlier.

- He wishes he had had more time.

- She wishes she had taken the job.




'영어 > 문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

It's great in terms of design.  (0) 2020.04.13
She's my go-to person for advice.  (0) 2020.04.01