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I found that you really imporessed the world touched a lot of people when you talked about overcoming the three-inch barrrier of subtitles.

I was little hesitate. Because I really don't like looking at movies with subtitles.

전 좀 망서렸어요. 자막있는 영화 보는 거 싫어하거든요.

But it was so good. You forget that you reading.

하자만 영화가 정말 좋았어요. 자막 읽고 있다는 걸 잊을 정도로요.


I am here with three-time nominee tonight, the man responsible for I think the most beautiful film this year, director Bong Joon Ho

오늘밤 3개 후보에 오른, 제가 보기에 올해에 가장 뛰어난 영화를 제작하신 봉준호 감독을 모셨습니다.

She's got quite the following right now.

지금 통역사 샤론 최씨의 인기가 높은데요.

Is ther anything you've learned from her over the process of this?

그 동안 함께 일해보니 샤론 최씨는 어떤 사람인가요?

She has a gut. She's always ver calm and very precise.


I found that you really imporessed the world touched a lot of  people when you talked about overcoming the three-inch barrrier of subtitles.

3인치 자막의 장벽을 뛰어넘어야 한다는 말로 세계의 많은 사람을 감동시켰는데요.







'영어 > 유튜브' 카테고리의 다른 글

[동기부여] I'm not special I'm not different.  (0) 2020.03.18