Morning Mom, I made you an extra sandwich.
모닝 맘. 엄마것도 만들었어요.
Oh thank you, Chloe. Don't worry about the dishes.
고마워 클로이. 설거지는 그냥 두렴.
Mmm, I don't mind.
So what are you doing today?
오늘 뭐하니?
My friends are gona come pick me up, and we're going to..
친구들이 데리러 온대요 애들이랑 같이...
[doorbell rings] Oh they're here!
Got to go now. Bye, Mom!
가야겠어요. 이따 봬요.
Love you. Love you, too!
러뷰~ 러뷰 투!
Don't staty out too late.
너무 늦게까지 놀지 말고
'영어 > 매일 5문장' 카테고리의 다른 글
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