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영어/한일의 쉽고 재미있는 Writing


1. 주요 문법

1) 주어+일반동사+목적어

They love each other.

They invited their friends and relatives.

2) 주어+Be동사+(명사/형용사)

They are getting married.

They are happy now.

The bridegroom is excited.


2. 선택 문법

3) 전치사

They are in the wedding hall.

They walk on the red carpet.

4) The+비교급, the+비교급

The more he sees her, the more he loves her.

The more guests they have,  the happier they are.

5) 현재분사+전치사구

The bridegroom standing next to her is excited.

People invited to the wedding congratulate the bride and groom.


3. 확장 문법

6) 전치사구

They invited their friends and relatives to the wedding.

They are getting married after five years of datring.

7) 시제

They are walking on the red carpet.

People invited to the wedding are congratualting the bride and groom.


4. 문장 모음

They are in the wedding hall. They are getting married after 5 years of dating.

The bridegroom standing next to her is excited.

The more he sees her, the more he loves her.

They invited their friends and relatives to the wedding.

People invited to the wedding are congratulating the bride and groom.

The more guests they have this happier they are.

They are walking on the red carpet.

They are happy now.


5. 접속사.

They are in the wedding hall. Because they are getting married after 5 years of dating, the bridegroom stading next to her is excited.

The more he sees her, the more he loves her.

They invited their friends and relatives to the wedding .

People invited to the wedding are congratualting the bride and groom when they are walking on the red carpet.

The more guests they have, the happier they are Needless to say, they are happy now.



'영어 > 한일의 쉽고 재미있는 Writing' 카테고리의 다른 글

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