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Panda, how are the mug shot comming along? Panda, how are the mug shot comming along? 판다 몽타주는 잘 되가? It's a good thing. I got a photograph memory. 내 기억력이 사진처럼 정확하길 다행이지
1.빅데이터란? 1.빅데이터란? 1) 데이터의 규모에 초점을 맞춘 정의 - 기존 데이터베이스 관리 도구의 데이터 수집,저장,분석하는 역량을 넘어서는 데이터 2) 업무 수행 방식에 초점을 맞춘 정의 - 다양한 종류의 대규모 데이터로부터 저렴한 비용으로 가치를 추출하고 데이터의 빠른 수집,발굴,분석을 지원하도록 고안된 차세대 기술 및 아키텍처 2. 빅데이터의 3대 요수 (3V) 1) 크기(Volume) - 비즈니스 특성에 따라 다를 수 있지만 일반 적으로 수집 테라바이트 혹은 수집 페타바이트 이상이 빅데이터에 해당합니다. - 이러한 데이터는 기존 파일 시스템에 저장하기 어려울뿐더라 데이터 분석을 사용하는 기존 데이터웨어하우스 같은 솔루션에서 소화하기 어려울 정도로 데이터 양이 많습니다. 2) 속도(Velocity) 매 순간..
You can begin boarding at 11:55 AM. Excuse me, when is the next plane for L.A? At 12:30 pm, ma'am Okay , can I get a ticket for the economy class? Here's your ticket. You can begin boarding at 11:55 AM. Where can I find the boarding gate for this flight? The departure gate is over there near the fast-food restaurant. You will find the boarding gate as you pass the immigration. Thanks. learn.dict.naver.com/conversation#/endic/20200..
You came to the right place to work. How long did it take for these cosmetics to become popular? About 3 years, I guess. I've been using this ampule for over 5 years. Really? That means you like it? No doubt about it. It has worked wonders for my skin. You cam to the right place to work. I think so My goal is to become a great marketer. And I'd love to make it a must for everyone to use our comsmetics. learn.dict.naver.com/conversa..
This one is what I had in mind for my new phone. This one is what I had in mind for my new phone. 이게 바로 내 새로운 휴대폰으로 염두에 두었던 거야. What did you have in mind for dinner tonight? 오늘 저녁으로 뭘 염두에 두셨나요?
I'm found of his positive and constructive attitude. So, What's our boos like? Jeff? He's pretty reasonable and not bossy. I'm fond of his positive and constructive attitude. I don't know much about him personally, though. I'm sure I'm lucky to have him as our boss. I think so tto. And it's nice working with someone who isn't selfish and arrogant. learn.dict.naver.com/conversation#/endic/20200908 네이버 오늘의 회화 오늘은 어떤 내용일까요? 지금 확인해보세요! learn.dict.nave..
Let's go out and grab something. Look at this place! 이 집 좀 봐! It looks like a totally new place, right? 완전히 새집 같다, 그치? It does! D you have anything to eat in the fridge? 그러네! 냉장고 안에 뭐 먹을 거 있어? No, sorry. Let's go out and grab something. 없어. 미안. 우리 나가서 뭐 좀 먹자 Oh, come to think of it, didn't you use to only eat gluten-free food? 아, 그러고 보니, 예전에 글루텐 안 들어간 것만 먹지 않았어? Yes, I did. But I don't anymore. 응, 그랬지. 근데 이젠 안 그래. I tried some ..
I prefrer working out and restring at home. Wow, you've got so much exercise equipment at home! 와 집에 운동 기구가 정말 많구나 Do you work out at home instead of going to the gym? 넌 헬스장에 가는 대신 집에서 운동하니? You know that I'm a homebody. 내가 집돌이인 거 알잖아. I perfer working out and resting at home. 나는 집에서 운동하고 쉬는 게 더 좋아. I'm afraid it'll make a lot of noise. 소음이 많이 생길 텐데. Doesn't your downstairs neighbor say anything about the noise? 아랫집에서 소음에 대해 아무 말 없니? They..