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don't you think we've had enough samples for one day?

PanPan : Hey, Grizz, don't you think we've had enough samples for one day?

근데 그리즈 우리 오늘 시식 많이 한거 아니야?


Grizz : I don't know what you're talking about. Ooh is that chili?

그게 무슨소리야 와 저거 맛있겠...


Man : Fresh cookies. A sample for you.

방금 구운거에요 한입 먹어보세요.


PanPan : Um, I'm kind of full. 

저 지금 배부른데


Man : Please. Come on.

에이 하나만 먹어봐요


Man : I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it.

안먹으면 너무 섭섭할거 같아요.


PanPan : Okay,Okay. Look, I'm eating it. yum, yum yum...

어 알았어요 저 지금 먹을게요. 얌얌얌얌...


PanPan : Actually, that was pretty good.

정말 맛있네요.


personally(부사) : 개인적으로,친히

Don't you think It's unrealistic. 비현실적이라고 생각하지 않으세요?

Don't you think It's unreal. 이거 이상하지 않아?

Don't you think It's too expensive? 비싸다고 생각 하지 않아?

Don't you think It's promising? 유망하다고 생각 하지 않아?

Don't you think It's too far? 너무 멀다고 생각 하지 않아?

Don't you think It's too close? 너무 가깝다고 생각 하지 않아?

Don't you think It's practical? 실용적이라고 생각 하지 않아?

Don't you think it's common? 흔하다고 생각 하지 않아?


practical (형용사) 실용적

ex) to have gained practical experience of the work.

Don't you think you should mind your own business? 네 일에 신경 써야 한다고 생각 안드니?

Don't you think you should at least say goodbye? 적어도 잘가라고 인사정도는 해야 하지 않니?

Don't you think you should stop now? 그만 해야될거 같다는 생각 안드니?

Don't you think you should back up a bit? 이거 조금 뒤에 해야 될거 같지 않아?

Don't you think you should notify the police? 경찰에게 알려야 한다고 생각 하지 않니?

Don't you think you should be preping for it? 미리 준비 해야 한다고 생각 하지 않니?

Don't you think you should slow down a little? 조금 느긋해져야 한다고 생각 하지 않니?

Don't you think you should be getting ready for school? 학교 갈 준비해야 하지 않니?

I mean, don't you think you should learn a little about me? 내말은 나에 대해서 좀 알아야겠다고 생각하지 않느냐는 말이야.

'영어 > 위베어베어스' 카테고리의 다른 글

welcome to Purrito  (0) 2020.06.02
could I have one of those?  (0) 2020.04.20