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영어/한일의 쉽고 재미있는 Writing

머리카락 자르기


주요 문법

1) 주어+일반동사+(목적어)

  The man wants a new style.

  He needs a haircut.

2) 주어+be동사+명사/형용사

  The hair stylist is ready to cut his hair.

  His hair is long.
3) 전치사

  A man is in the beauty shop

  The man has a new hair style in his mind.

선택 문법

4) too(너무)

His hair is too long.

It is too messy.

5) 빈도수 높은 다섯 동사

(like to, want to, need to, decide to , ask to)

He decided to have a new style.

The man wants to have a short hair.


6) 내용상 전치사+명사 더할수있는 문장을 찾으세요.

The man in the beauty shop has a new hair style in his mind.

7) 시제

A man is siting in the beauty shop.





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