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영어/한일의 쉽고 재미있는 Writing



He opened the refrigenrator.

Fruits rolled down.


2. 주어+be동사+명사/형용사

There were some fruits and vegetables.

He was hungry.


3. 전치사

They were for dinner.

She sotred in the refrigenrator.


4. 감정,느낌 태도에 관한 표현

 - to 부정사를 뒤에 가지는 형용사


sorry to, ready to ,surprised to, glad to, happy to, prepared to

careful to , stunned to, lucky to, fortunate to, sad to, willing to , afraid to


He is sorry to ruin the ingredients.

She is surpised to see it.


enought to, enough for


They were enought to cook for dinner.

They were enought for five people.



Fruits in the refrigenrator rolled down

There were some fruits and vegetables in the refrigenrator

She sotred  fruits and vegetables in the refrigenrator for dinner


시제 선택

Fruits in the refrigenrator were rolling down.



He was hungry so he opened the refrigerator When he opened the refrigerator, fruits in the refrigerator wre rolling down.

They wre fro dinner. She is surprised to see it. after she stored them in the refrigerator for dinner.

They were enough for five people.

He is sorry to ruin the ingredients.






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