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remember to forget to ~ / ~ ing remember to ~ / ~ ing regret to ~ / ~ ing They are in the swimming pool Because it is important to remember to do light exercise before a tough sport, they should remember to warm up. They actually forgot warming up before. As long as it is necessary for them to warm up for a few minutes, they do a warming-up exercise before swimming. They are swimmers and they are competing ..
숨바꼭질(whoever,whenever,whatever,wherever/No matter(where,when,how ,what, who, which) ~ 비록 ~일지라도 문장모음 / 접속사 They are playing hide-and-seek in the living room. As the tagger(chaser) faces the wall and the counts the number, the others hiding. Whenever they play this game, it is fun. The room is big enough to find a place to hide so they are hiding behind the sofa. No matter where they hide, the tagger will find them and whoever is caught first become the new tagger. It is fun to play hide-an..
수동태,(wonder if~ + 문장) 선택문법 수동태 BE+과거분사 She was checked by the doctor. She was told to exercise more. wonder if~ + 주+동 she just wndered if she had a(the,any) physical problem. 문장모음 The docker is examining his patient. The woman visited a docker's office. It is a regular physical checkup for her. She is worried about her physical condition. She is not sick. The docker checks the patient with a stethoscope. She was chec..
[눈사람 만들기] - the other is (둘 중 다른 하나), 명사+ing (분사쓰기) 선택문법 another is (다른것 하나) the other is (둘 중 다른 하나) others are (다른것들) the others are (그 나머지 것들) One eye is big the other is small. The other girl shapes the snowman. 명사+ing (분사쓰기) a boy puts a bucket. a boy standing next to the snowman puts a bucket. They decorate it with arms and eyes making the snowman cute. The other girl standing on the the other side shapes the snowman. 문장모음 They made a snowm..
[화단에 물 주기]형용사+전치사구+형용사절 한문에 쓰기. 형용사+전치사구+형요사절 She grows flowers. She grows beautiful flowers. (형용사) She grows beautiful flowers she likes (형용사절) She grows beautiful(형용사) flowers she likes(형용사절) in the garden(전치사구) Her favorite hobby is to plant and grow flowers she collected. 문장모음 She waters her flowers in the morning. She is growing flowers. She has her own garden in the backyard. There are flowers in the garden. She grows be..
면접 선택문법 said that(~ 라고 애기했어요)/whether ~ or not (~인지 아닌지) The man in the middle said that he liked the type of job in the company. The woman in the right said that she could work full time. It is not sure whether they can join the company or not. It is not sure whether or not they can join the company. 문장모음 They have an interview to get a job. The interviewer is asking a few questions. The interview..
생일파티(have가 사용되는 네가지 경우) 선택문법 have가 사용되는 네가지 경우 1) have : 가지다, 먹다 2) have to : ~해야 한다 3) have : 시키다. 4) have+과거분사 : 현재 까지 ~ 했다. She has received many gifts. Her friends have prepared for the party. They have her blow out the candles on the cake. 문장모음 They are having a birthday party. She has received many gifts. She is happy now. It's her 16th birthday. They are singing and playing together around the table. She made so..
공부하는 것 도와주기 확장 문법 If+현재동사, if+과거동사. (if:만일 ~ 라면) : 가정법 The question is easy. he skips it. => if the question is easy, he skips it. if the boy understand her explanation, the boy will solve the question easily. if the boy knew all the answers, he would not ask for her helpn. 문장모음 A boy is studying. The boy has some questions. She is helping the boy. Some problems were difficult to understand. She explanation..