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could I have one of those? A : Good morning. Could I have one of those? 안녕하세요 그거 먹어봐도 되요? B : Of course. Here you are. 그럼요 여기요. those : (형용사,대명사) 그것들의, 그들, 그것들, 그 사람들 - that의 복수형 "One of these please" 이중에 하나 "One of those please" 그중에 하나 one of those days (그런 날 중 하나) 그런 날 이란 물론 안 좋은 날 들을 의미. It's been one of those day. 오늘은 일이 잘 안풀리는 날이 었다.
Is this the one heading to Mostar? A : (at a bus terminal in Dubrovnik) Good morning. Here's my ticket. 안녕하세요 여기 티켓이요 B : A round trip to Mostar. 모스타까지 왕복이네요 B : The reservation fee is 1.5 euros. 예약 수수료 1.5 유로 입니다. A : Here you go. What time does the bus depart? 여기요. 몇시에 버스 출발 하나요? B : At 7:10 from platform 5. 5번 승강장에서 7시10분에 출발 합니다. A : Thanks. (to the bus driver) Is this the one heading to Mostar? 고맙습니다. (버스 기사에게) 이거 모스타 가나요? B..
don't you think we've had enough samples for one day? PanPan : Hey, Grizz, don't you think we've had enough samples for one day? 근데 그리즈 우리 오늘 시식 많이 한거 아니야? Grizz : I don't know what you're talking about. Ooh is that chili? 그게 무슨소리야 와 저거 맛있겠... Man : Fresh cookies. A sample for you. 방금 구운거에요 한입 먹어보세요. PanPan : Um, I'm kind of full. 저 지금 배부른데 Man : Please. Come on. 에이 하나만 먹어봐요 Man : I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it. 안먹으면 너무 ..
remember to forget to ~ / ~ ing remember to ~ / ~ ing regret to ~ / ~ ing They are in the swimming pool Because it is important to remember to do light exercise before a tough sport, they should remember to warm up. They actually forgot warming up before. As long as it is necessary for them to warm up for a few minutes, they do a warming-up exercise before swimming. They are swimmers and they are competing ..
I've found what I believe to be a cave. I think 와 I believe 자신의 의견에 대해서 말 할 수 있는 방법 중 I think와 I believe가 있습니다. I think ~ 인 것 같아요. (추측이나 감정, 사실 등을 말할때) I believe ~인 것으로 알고 있어요. ~ 라고 믿고 있어요. (현재 자신만의 생각이나 확인을 말할때) "확실하진 않지만 저는 ~라고 알고 있어요" 라고 말할 때도 쓸 수 있습니다. I think I have a few here somewhere. 여기 어딘가에 몇 개가 있을 거 같은데. 아마도 어떤 물건이 이 근처에 있을 것 같다라는 본인의 생각을 말할때. I believe I have a few here somewhere. 여기 어딘가에 몇개 있는 걸로 알고 있어. 어떤 물건이 이 근처에 있다고 확..
Chill Chill: n. 냉기, 한기, 오한, 오싹한 기분 / v. 아주 춥게 만들다, 차게 식히다. Chill Calm down(진정하고) Hang out(나가놀고) Easy going(편하며) Cool(멋지고,좋고) OK(괜찮은) (지갑을 잃어버린 친구가) Where is my wallet? Tell me! 내 지갑 어딨어? 말해봐 Have you seen it? 지갑 봤어!? Chill!!(Chill out!!) You're holding it! 진정해! 네가 들고 있잖아 Dude, just chill out and relax. 녀석아! 지정하라고 What are you up to tonight? 오늘 밤에 뭐 해? I'm going to chill with my friends. 친구들이랑 놀려고. Wha..
It's great in terms of design. It's great in terms of design. It's great in terms of pay. It's great in terms of size. It's great in terms of weight. It's great in terms of speed. It's great in terms of design but in terms of A? Not so much It's great in terms of pay but in terms of How's your job? Do you like it? Well, it's great in tems of pay but in terms of workload? Not so much. What do you think about the new eye-phone?..
숨바꼭질(whoever,whenever,whatever,wherever/No matter(where,when,how ,what, who, which) ~ 비록 ~일지라도 문장모음 / 접속사 They are playing hide-and-seek in the living room. As the tagger(chaser) faces the wall and the counts the number, the others hiding. Whenever they play this game, it is fun. The room is big enough to find a place to hide so they are hiding behind the sofa. No matter where they hide, the tagger will find them and whoever is caught first become the new tagger. It is fun to play hide-an..