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영어/오늘의 영어회화

Did it bother you? Hi, Nick Where have you been? 안하세요, 닉. 어디 다녀오시는 길이세요? I'm comming form the doctor's because of my foot. 발 때문에 병원에 다녀오는 길이에요. Your foot? Dit it bother you? 발이요? 불편하세요? It felt numb when I walked to the bathroom last night. 어젯밤에 화장실에 가는데- 감각이 없더라고요 So, I went to a doctor first thing in the morning. 그래서 아침에 병원부터 갔었죠. Isn't it because we walked for too long yesterday? 어제 우리가 너무 오래 걸어서 그런 거 아닐까요? Wel..
Sometimes I use a pair of light hand weights. Do you work out at home, too? 집에서도 운동하세요? Yes I stretch and do some standing exercises 네 스트리칭과 서서 하는 운동을 해요. Sometimes I use a pair of light hand weights. 가끔은 가벼운 아령도 사용해요. Maybe I need to get some weights. 저도 아령을 사야겠는데요. If you don't have any you can use water bottles. 없으시면 물병만 있으면 돼요. Speaking of which, I need to do some clothes shopping. 말이 나왔으니 말인데, 제가 옷을 좀 사러 가야 하는데요. Do you mind helping me..
How should we get ready for the summer? How should we get ready for the summer? 여름 어떻게 준비 할까? Is the air conditioner working well? 에어콘은 작동이 잘 돼? It's working well, but it cost too much to run most of the time. 잘 작동하고 있어. 그런데 대부분의 시간을 틀려면 비용이 너무 많이 들어. That's true. So how about buying a big fan then? 맞아 그러면 큰 선풍기 사는건 어때? That's a good idea, but not a big one because they suck up eletricity too much. 좋아 근데 큰 거로는 말고 왜나하면 전기를 너무 많이 먹거든 Ok..
Are you currently on any medications? Can you point to exactly where you have pain? 아픈곳을 정확히 짚어 보실래요? Here. Around belly button. 여기요. 배꼽 근처요. Is the pain constant or intermittent? 지속적으로 아픈가요 아니면 간간이 아픈가요? It's not constant, but it's getting worse. 계속 아픈 건 아닌데, 점점 더 심해져요. Do you think you ate something that went bad? 뭔가 상한 음식을 드신 것 같나요? I don't think so. 아닌거 같아요. Are you currently on any medications? 지금 복용하시는 약이 있나요? No, but I am tak..
It was good to have company. A : Thank you for your help today. (after finishing grocery shopping) 오늘 도와주셔서 감사합니다. A : The vegetable and fruits were fresh and very cheap. 채소랑 과일이 신선하고 값도 아주 싸네요. B : It was my pleasure. 제가 좋아서 한걸요. B : It was good to have company. 동행이 있으니까 좋았어요 A : Can we stop by the supermarket on the way back home? 집에가는길에 슈퍼마켓에 잠깐 들러도 될까요? A : I need some detergent and milk, and a few other things. 세제랑 우유,..
I'm preparing to open a restaurant. How are you doing lately? Good Actually, I've quit my work lately to start a new job. I see What did you do before? I was an electrician. so what do you intend to do as your new career? Yes. I'm preparing to open a restaurant. Wow you have a really unique background. I think I perfer cooking to electriciy.
There is not going to make it to the final. A : Oh no, He missed the goal again. B : There are not going to win this game. A : Chheer up. There is still a chance. A : No, There's onaly 10 minute left. A : There is not going to make it to the final.
Is this the one heading to Mostar? A : (at a bus terminal in Dubrovnik) Good morning. Here's my ticket. 안녕하세요 여기 티켓이요 B : A round trip to Mostar. 모스타까지 왕복이네요 B : The reservation fee is 1.5 euros. 예약 수수료 1.5 유로 입니다. A : Here you go. What time does the bus depart? 여기요. 몇시에 버스 출발 하나요? B : At 7:10 from platform 5. 5번 승강장에서 7시10분에 출발 합니다. A : Thanks. (to the bus driver) Is this the one heading to Mostar? 고맙습니다. (버스 기사에게) 이거 모스타 가나요? B..