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영어/오늘의 영어회화

Chill Chill: n. 냉기, 한기, 오한, 오싹한 기분 / v. 아주 춥게 만들다, 차게 식히다. Chill Calm down(진정하고) Hang out(나가놀고) Easy going(편하며) Cool(멋지고,좋고) OK(괜찮은) (지갑을 잃어버린 친구가) Where is my wallet? Tell me! 내 지갑 어딨어? 말해봐 Have you seen it? 지갑 봤어!? Chill!!(Chill out!!) You're holding it! 진정해! 네가 들고 있잖아 Dude, just chill out and relax. 녀석아! 지정하라고 What are you up to tonight? 오늘 밤에 뭐 해? I'm going to chill with my friends. 친구들이랑 놀려고. Wha..
You look like you could use a coffee. You look like you could use a coffee. 너 커피가 필요해 보여. You look like you could use a coffee. VS You look like you need a coffee. You look like you could use a hug. You look like you could use a warm meal. You look like you could use some sleep. You look like you could use some sun. You kind of/(sort of) look like you could use a coffee. You kind of look like you could use a hot coffee. You really l..
Please insert your credit card. Are you ready to order? 주문하시겠어요? Yes, one roast beef and one BLT, please. Footlong. 네 로스트 비프 하나랑 BLT 하나 주세요. 풋 사이즈로요. With everything? 다 넣어 드릴까요? Yes And can you put extra feta cheese and onions on it? 네. 그리고 페타 치즈랑 양파를 더 넣어주시겠어요? Sure. Any dressing? 그럴게요. 소스는요? Mustard and mayo, please 머스타드랑 마요네즈를 넣어 주세요. Alright. That's 12,000 won. Please insert your credit card. 알겠습니다. 12,000원 입니다. 신용 카드를 넣어 ..
Let's go to the sandwich place. You might want to sit down somewhere and rest, Min 너 어디 좀 앉아서 쉬어야 할 거 같아, 민 Yes. Anyway, let's go to the sandwich place. 그래. 아무튼, 우리 그 샌드위치 가게로 가자. Will you order and then wait here? 네가 여기서 주문하고 기다릴래? I'll go get some bandages at the pharmacy 내가 약국에 가서 반창고 좀 사 올게 Alright. Thanks, Eddy. 알겠어. 고마워 에디 Oh can you please get some cough drops? My throat is sore. 아, 목 캔디 좀 사다 줄래? 목이 아파 Of course. I'll b..
It completely slipped my mind! What will you get for your parents? What are you talking about? Next week is Parent's Day. don't you know? No, it completly slipped my mind! You should pick up something as soon as possible. What will you get? Probably a beautiful bouquet. My mom loves flowers. Oh that's a good one. I should consider buying flowers too! What were you planning to by? I was going to get them movie tickets. I think..
I'll go take a bath after I finish this book. It's time for your bath! Mom, I think I don't need to bathe today. You have to bathe every day. You're all sweaty since you've played hard. I don't smell bad, Do I? No. You should make yourself clean in order to not catch a cold. Then I'll go take a bath after I finish this book. You promise? Yes. I promise. Since vs After Since 와 After는 둘다 "~이후로" 라는 뜻을 가지고 있다. 둘다 전치사, 접속사로 쓰인다. 전치사란 뒤에 바로 명사가 온..
Let me give you some basic information. Welcome to my apartment. 어서오세요. These are the keys. 여기 열쇠 받으세요. This small one is for this door, and the other one is for the main entrance. 이 작은 열시는 이 문용이고요, 다른건 현관용입니다. Alright. Thanks. 네 감사합니다. Let me give you some basic information. 기본적인 사항들을 좀 알려 드릴게요. The Wi-Fi code is 112233. 와이파이 비번은 112233이에요 You can use the washing machine. 세탁기는 사용하시면 되고요 Detergent and softener are in the cabinet here...
Can I take a rain check? Whew, we finally got it done. 휴 드디어 다 했네 I really appreciate it, Yoon. 정말 고마워 윤 I owe you one. 네 덕 봤다 It's not a big deal. 그 정도 가지고 뭘 You would've done the same for me. 너도 나한테 똑같이 해줬을 거잖아 Okay, let's leave now. 자 이제 퇴근하자 I'll buy you dinner. 내가 저녁 살게 Can I take a rain check? 다음에 먹으면 안 된까? I have other plans tonight. 오늘 바에는 선약이 있어. https://learn.dict.naver.com/conversation#/endic/20200225 네이버 오늘의..