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if you actually let yourself go and your ride that fear, all of a sudden it turns into exhilaration and it's like the best freaking time ever! Do you feel a little bit like when you're going on a roller coaster and you're going. 롤러코스터 타고 갈때 기분이 어때요? up,up,up the hill, and you're like, "Oh, my God! My stomache's gettring butterflies" 올라간다 올라간다 오마이갓! 이상해 But then what happends, right? If you get stuck at the top of that roller coaster ride, it would be terrifying. 그런 다음 무슨일이 있어났을까? 만약 네가 롤러코스터 꼭데기에서 멈처섰다면 완전 무서울 거야. You would be frozen i..
수동태,(wonder if~ + 문장) 선택문법 수동태 BE+과거분사 She was checked by the doctor. She was told to exercise more. wonder if~ + 주+동 she just wndered if she had a(the,any) physical problem. 문장모음 The docker is examining his patient. The woman visited a docker's office. It is a regular physical checkup for her. She is worried about her physical condition. She is not sick. The docker checks the patient with a stethoscope. She was chec..
[Oracle] 오라클 테이블 & 컬럼 Comment Comment 설정 --테이블 Comment 설정 COMMENT ON TABLE [테이블명] IS [Comment]; COMMENT ON TABLE EX_TABLE IS '예제 테이블'; --컬럼 Comment 설정 COMMENT ON COLUMN [테이블명].[컬럼명] IS '[Comment]'; COMMENT ON COLUMN EX_TABLE.DEPT IS '부서'; COMMENT ON COLUMN EX_TABLE.TP IS '유형'; Comment 확인 --테이블 전체 comment 조회 SELECT table_name, table_type, comments FROM USER_TAB_COMMENTS WHERE comments IS NOT NULL; --컬럼 전체 comment 조회 SELECT ta..
That bad news is time flies, the good news is you're the pilot. When asked "What's the biggest mistake we make in life?" buddha replied. "This biggest mistake is you think you have time." Time is free but it's priceless. You can't keep it. but you can spend it. And once it's lost you can never get it back. Steve Jobs said "Your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life." So ther's good news and there's bad news. That bad news is time flies..
오라클 character set 확인 및 변경 현재 설정된 캐릭터셋 확인 및 변경 방법 Character set 확인 select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter like '%CHAR%'; Character set 변경 SQL>Shutdown immediate; SQL>Startup Mount; SQL>Alter system enable restricted session; SQL>Alter system set JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0; SQL>Alter system set AQ_TM_PROCESSES=0; SQL>Alter database Open; SQL>Alter database character set KO16MSWIN949; 주의 사항 KO16MSWIN949는 KO16KSC56..
Docker Installation of Oracle Database 12c $ docker pull absolutapps/oracle-12c-ee $ docker run -d --name oracle-12cR1-ee --privileged absolutapps/oracle-12c-ee $ docker logs -f oracle-12cR1-ee ls: cannot access /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl: No such file or directory No databases found in /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl. About to create a new database instance Starting database listener LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on ..
ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact When I tried to login into oracle I have received below error sapec4:ec4adm 61> sqlplus /nolog SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Sep 29 14:00:17 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved. SQL> connect / as sysdba ERROR: ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact Here is the simple solution for that Solution1:- 1.Check “oracle:dba” should have ownership ..
Well, I've got to go pack up my stall now Well, I've got to go pack up my stall now, 이제 가게 정리하러 가야겠네요. But it was great to meet you guys. 그래도 만나서 반가웠어요. Oh, hey We're gonna go throw rocks in the lake 우리 호수에다 돌 더지러 갈 건데 if you want to come. 원하면 오셔도 돼요. Oh,yeah, for sure. 네 좋죠. I haven't thrown rocks in forever. 돌 던지 지 한참 된 것 같네요. Okay, let me pack up my truck and wrap up a few things. 트럭에 짐 싣고 정리하고 올게요. Uh, just give me a sec. 조금만 기다려요. ..