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선물주기 선택 문법 그룹. 동사+what을 쓴 문장, What을 쓴문장 + 동사 (~하는것 ~하는 그 무언가) He tells what is in inside He bought what she liked What she saw was a big gift box. You know what you know I know what you know. What I teach is english I Want to eat What you eat. 문장모음 It surprised the woman. It wa a surprise gift. They went to a restaurant for dinner. The main gave a present to the woman. He bought what she liked. What ..
Please insert your credit card. Are you ready to order? 주문하시겠어요? Yes, one roast beef and one BLT, please. Footlong. 네 로스트 비프 하나랑 BLT 하나 주세요. 풋 사이즈로요. With everything? 다 넣어 드릴까요? Yes And can you put extra feta cheese and onions on it? 네. 그리고 페타 치즈랑 양파를 더 넣어주시겠어요? Sure. Any dressing? 그럴게요. 소스는요? Mustard and mayo, please 머스타드랑 마요네즈를 넣어 주세요. Alright. That's 12,000 won. Please insert your credit card. 알겠습니다. 12,000원 입니다. 신용 카드를 넣어 ..
I'm gonna cut to the chase with you, Panda I'm gonna cut to the chase with you, Panda. 바로 본론으로 들어갈게 판다 We want diffferent things. 우린 목표가 달라 I want to be number one again. 나는 다시 정상에 오르는 것. You want out of the cute game and back to your cool-guy life, yes? 너는 대회에서 빠진 다음 쿨한 삶으로 돌아가는 것 맞지? Yeah, exactly. 맞아, 정확해 Yeah. So how do we solve the dilemma? 이 골치 아픈 문제의 해결책이 뭘까? Um, I don't know. 모르겠어 You let me win. 네가 날 이기게 해주면 돼 If you throw this ..
Miniconda 개발 환경 구축 Miniconda 개발 환경 구축 동영상 개발환경 구축 동영상 1. 도커 허브에서 miniconda3 검색 docker search miniconda3 2. miniconda3 다운로드 docker pull continumio/miniconda3 3. miniconda3 조회 docker images 4. 작업 디렉터리 생성 mkdir work cd work 5. visual studio code 워크 스페이스 추가 add Folder 6. 작업 폴더 선택 7. 워크 스페이스 생성 완료 7. 도커 컨테이너 시작 docker run -it -v /C/Users/irex12/work:/work continnumio/miniconda3 8. beautifulsoup4 다운로드 pip install beauti..
도커 전체 컨테이너 이미지 삭제 모든 컨테이너 삭제 docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) 모든 도커 이미지 삭제 docker rmi $(docker images -q)
가족나들이 They are free today. They are having a good time during the weekend. The father promised that he would take them out. It is great to walk around the park together. Many people are in the park because it is a weekend. A body is sitting on his father's shoulder. It is fun to ride pickaback on his father. I see that they enjoy their free time.
By tomorrow, this thing will be another lame piece of Internet obscurity. He's good. 잘하네 Please! This is just a fad. 에이, 저런 건 반짝 인기 끌고 말아 By tomorrow, this thing will be another lame piece of Internet obscurity. 내일이면 다들 그런 게 있었냐고 할걸 It better be. 그래야만해 Aw, thank you guys. The pleasure's all mine. 초대 감사합니다. 영광이에요. First up, what do you say we start with the sneeze heard around the world. 우선 전 세계를 사로잡은 재채기 영상부터 보고 시작하죠. Don't you just want to hug him? 꼭 안아주고 싶지 않나요? All..
뉴스 1. SVO 1.1 The two crashed. 1.2 The accident happend. 2. S+be+(명사/형용사) 2.1 There was a car accident. 2.2 It is 9 o'clock news 3. 전치사 3.1 The newscaster tells a car accident in the news. 3.2 The car on the right went to pieces. 4. 선택 4.1형용사절(관계대명사 사용) The car that was hit by another car had a fire. Luckily the passengers who where in the car were rescued safely. 4.2시제 Somke was coming out of the ..