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Are you currently on any medications? Can you point to exactly where you have pain? 아픈곳을 정확히 짚어 보실래요? Here. Around belly button. 여기요. 배꼽 근처요. Is the pain constant or intermittent? 지속적으로 아픈가요 아니면 간간이 아픈가요? It's not constant, but it's getting worse. 계속 아픈 건 아닌데, 점점 더 심해져요. Do you think you ate something that went bad? 뭔가 상한 음식을 드신 것 같나요? I don't think so. 아닌거 같아요. Are you currently on any medications? 지금 복용하시는 약이 있나요? No, but I am tak..
welcome to Purrito Hey, we almost there? Says that it's right here. Oop,Oop. We passed it. Backup Backup. There it is. I see it. Welcome to Purrito, gentlemen. What can I get for you today? Um, I'll have the veggie tacos, please, and some extra salsa. Ice Bear will have more free chips. And what about you sir? What can you tell me about this? Ah, yes, our famous burrito challenge. Succeed in eating our whole array..
[영어로 말하기] "다들 ~한다","대부분이 어떻다", "몇몇은 어떻게 한다" I have friends but we don't get to see each other very often. First of all, we all have jobs so we're always tied up at work. Plus, most of us are married now and many of us have kids. Some are working overseas and a few have even moved to other countries. So, you know, it's getting harder to keep in touch as time goues by. 친구들은 있는데 서로 자주 보지는 못해요. 일단 다들 직업이 있어서 항상 일에 얽매여 있어요. 게다가(우리 중) 대부분이 이제 결..
It's not your decision to make It's not your decision to make. It's not your information to share. It's not your story to tell. It's not your advice to give. It's not your computer to use. They're not your decisions to make. They're not yours to throw away. Hey have you seen my gray T-shirt? Oh it was so old T threw it away. That's not yours to throw away! I figured it would be best to send her. That's not your decision to ma..
I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it. I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it. 안 드시면 절 싫어한다고 생각할 거예요 okay okay Look, I'm eating it. 네 네 알았어요먹을게요 Yum,yum,yum,yum. Actually, that was pretty good. 꽤 맛있는 데요 What's that nutty flavor? 견과류 맛이 나는데
Good morning.Could I have one of those? Samples. Fresh peaches. Take a sample. Good morning. Could I have one of thoes? Of course. Here you are. One more please. Thank you. Ooh more samples. Thank you. Hey, Girz, don't you think we've had enough samples for one day? I don't know what you're talking about. Ooh is that chili? https://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/various/this_that.htm this, that - these, those - Online Exercise Lo..
매일 자기 일상을 한문장씩 쓰기 매일 자기 일상을 한문장씩 쓰기 - 맞는지 틀린지 확인필요는 없다 완벽하지 않아도 됨. - 중요한건 매일 꾸준히 한다.
It was good to have company. A : Thank you for your help today. (after finishing grocery shopping) 오늘 도와주셔서 감사합니다. A : The vegetable and fruits were fresh and very cheap. 채소랑 과일이 신선하고 값도 아주 싸네요. B : It was my pleasure. 제가 좋아서 한걸요. B : It was good to have company. 동행이 있으니까 좋았어요 A : Can we stop by the supermarket on the way back home? 집에가는길에 슈퍼마켓에 잠깐 들러도 될까요? A : I need some detergent and milk, and a few other things. 세제랑 우유,..