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I'm preparing to open a restaurant. How are you doing lately? Good Actually, I've quit my work lately to start a new job. I see What did you do before? I was an electrician. so what do you intend to do as your new career? Yes. I'm preparing to open a restaurant. Wow you have a really unique background. I think I perfer cooking to electriciy.
There is not going to make it to the final. A : Oh no, He missed the goal again. B : There are not going to win this game. A : Chheer up. There is still a chance. A : No, There's onaly 10 minute left. A : There is not going to make it to the final.
I hope vs. I wish Hope 희망하다. 바라다(무엇을?) - Something that's possible (가능한 것) - Something that's likely (일어날 법 한 것) - Something that you look forward to (고대하고 있는 것) Wish 희망하다. 바라다(무엇을?) - Something that's impossible(불가능한것) - Something that's unreal(비현실적인것) Something you want Now (지금 원하는 것) I hope + 현재(진행) - I hope she knows the answer. 나는 그녀가 그 답을 알고 있을거라고 희망한다.(의미:답을 알 가능성이 크다. 답을 알 법 하다.) - I hope he is working ha..
I have had enough https://basicenglishspeaking.com/061-ive-had-enough-of/ 061. I've had enough of… I. EXAMPLES: I've had enough of her continual chatter. I've had enough of your complaining. Haven't you had enough of him? I found him so boring. I've had enough of the traffic here. I've had enough of this city. II. DIALOGUES: A: New York City is a toug basicenglishspeaking.com Examples I've had enough of her conti..
could I have one of those? A : Good morning. Could I have one of those? 안녕하세요 그거 먹어봐도 되요? B : Of course. Here you are. 그럼요 여기요. those : (형용사,대명사) 그것들의, 그들, 그것들, 그 사람들 - that의 복수형 "One of these please" 이중에 하나 "One of those please" 그중에 하나 one of those days (그런 날 중 하나) 그런 날 이란 물론 안 좋은 날 들을 의미. It's been one of those day. 오늘은 일이 잘 안풀리는 날이 었다.
Is this the one heading to Mostar? A : (at a bus terminal in Dubrovnik) Good morning. Here's my ticket. 안녕하세요 여기 티켓이요 B : A round trip to Mostar. 모스타까지 왕복이네요 B : The reservation fee is 1.5 euros. 예약 수수료 1.5 유로 입니다. A : Here you go. What time does the bus depart? 여기요. 몇시에 버스 출발 하나요? B : At 7:10 from platform 5. 5번 승강장에서 7시10분에 출발 합니다. A : Thanks. (to the bus driver) Is this the one heading to Mostar? 고맙습니다. (버스 기사에게) 이거 모스타 가나요? B..
don't you think we've had enough samples for one day? PanPan : Hey, Grizz, don't you think we've had enough samples for one day? 근데 그리즈 우리 오늘 시식 많이 한거 아니야? Grizz : I don't know what you're talking about. Ooh is that chili? 그게 무슨소리야 와 저거 맛있겠... Man : Fresh cookies. A sample for you. 방금 구운거에요 한입 먹어보세요. PanPan : Um, I'm kind of full. 저 지금 배부른데 Man : Please. Come on. 에이 하나만 먹어봐요 Man : I'm gonna start taking this personally if you don't try it. 안먹으면 너무 ..
remember to forget to ~ / ~ ing remember to ~ / ~ ing regret to ~ / ~ ing They are in the swimming pool Because it is important to remember to do light exercise before a tough sport, they should remember to warm up. They actually forgot warming up before. As long as it is necessary for them to warm up for a few minutes, they do a warming-up exercise before swimming. They are swimmers and they are competing ..