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위 베어 베어스: 곰 브라더스시즌 1: 15화 동굴을 지켜라 Earthquake! 지진이다! Only the essentials. 중요한 것만 들고 가자 Essential. 중요한 거! -[Panda] Hey. -Essential! - 뭐야? - 중요한 거! No. What happened? Where'd you go? Huh? 뭐야, 어떻게 된 거야? 얘 어디 갔어? Phew. We survived. 안 죽었네! -[whirring] -Hey, do you hear that? 너희도 들었어? Huh? What's going on out there? 밖에서 뭐 하는 거람? Could you put me down? 나 좀 내려줄래? -What? -What? - 뭐야? - 으잉? -What's happening here? -[Panda] What are they bu..
It completely slipped my mind! What will you get for your parents? What are you talking about? Next week is Parent's Day. don't you know? No, it completly slipped my mind! You should pick up something as soon as possible. What will you get? Probably a beautiful bouquet. My mom loves flowers. Oh that's a good one. I should consider buying flowers too! What were you planning to by? I was going to get them movie tickets. I think..
Ice bear already mentioned errands. Looks like it's just you and me then, huh? 그럼 오늘은 우리 둘만 놀겠네? Pardon me. 잠깐만 All right, so, what were you thinking about doing today? 자 그럼 넌 오늘 뭐 하고 싶어? Ice Bear has errands. 아이스베어 심부름해야 한다. That's a lot of errands. 심부름 되게 많네 But what do you want to do today? 네가 하고 싶은 일은 뭔데? Ice bear already mentioned errands. 아이스 베어가 이미 심부름 얘기했다.
I'll go take a bath after I finish this book. It's time for your bath! Mom, I think I don't need to bathe today. You have to bathe every day. You're all sweaty since you've played hard. I don't smell bad, Do I? No. You should make yourself clean in order to not catch a cold. Then I'll go take a bath after I finish this book. You promise? Yes. I promise. Since vs After Since 와 After는 둘다 "~이후로" 라는 뜻을 가지고 있다. 둘다 전치사, 접속사로 쓰인다. 전치사란 뒤에 바로 명사가 온..
[동기부여] I'm not special I'm not different. I'm not special. I'm net different. 제가 특별하거나 다른 사람이 아니에요. I'm like everybody out there young and old. 저도 다른사람과 같습니다. If you ever dream. You can live your dream. 꿈이 있다면 꿈을 위해서 사세요. But there's no substitute for sweat equity for passion and for perseverance. 하지만 노력, 열정 인내를 대신 할 수 없습니다. To understand what you want to put togerther a realistic goal. 당신은 원하는 것을 알아야 하고 현실적인 목표를 세우고 https://www.youtube..
Chloe! Oh, I'm really sorry, but Pan and I can't make it today. Chloe! Oh, I'm really sorry, but Pan and I can't make it today. 클로이 정말 미안해 판이랑 나는 오늘 못가. We started this video game dungeon level, and if we don't finish now, We'll have to start the whole game over again. 게임에서 던전을 공략하는데 이번에 못 끝내면 다시 처음부터 해야 돼. And I just don't think Panda can't take it. 그러면 판다가 못 견딜거 같아. Oh Grizz get back here. 그리즈 빨리와
postgresql + postgis 설치 postgresql + postgis 1) 설치 $ sudo lsb_release -a $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt xenial-pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list' $ wget --quiet -O - http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ACCC4CF8.asc | sudo apt-key add - $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6 $ sudo netstat -tnlp | grep postgres $ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.6-postgis-2.3 ..
네트워크 설정 (고정 아이피 할당) sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces auto enp0s3 iface enp0s3 inet static address x.x.x.x netmast x.x.x.x gateway x.x.x.x dns-nameservers